Try These $21 too faced Melted metal Liquified metallic Lipsticks for an updated ’90s metallic Lip

The too faced Melted metal Liquified metallic Lipsticks, $21 each Did somebody unintentionally turn on my hot tub time machine? ‘Cause, dude! — these too faced Melted metal Lipsticks are taking me back to 1996… I was wearing big hoop…

The Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Lacquers: Some Legends Last, as well as Some Don’t

Smashbox Be Legendary Long-Wear Lip Lacquer, $24 each (available in 20 shades) “Gather round, young’ns,” stated granny Karen, “and let me tell you the story of a long-wearing lip lacquer so shiny, so smooth, so long-lasting as well as revered…