Unsung makeup Heroes: Essie Gel Couture top coat

When you love something so much that you have three bottles OF IT…
What’s an unsung makeup hero? For me, it’s an oftentimes underrated makeup morsel, a permanent collection product that scoots under the radar screen of numerous makeup lovers but regularly rocks my world. The long-running Unsung Heroes series features some of my favorites.

Nobody puts baby in the corner, and nobody puts bullsh*t top coats on my nails.

I’ve had the time of my life!

Like the ladies who unabashedly carry hot sauce in their purse, I’ve reached that point in life where I bring Essie Gel Couture top coat with me all over (no, seriously, I keep it in my touch-up makeup bag), including the nail salon.


On the rare occasion that I get my nails ? done, it’s the only top coat that I know can endure all of the obstacles the universe throws in my path — the never-ending deluge of dishes, the ferocious onslaught of words inside my head waiting to be unleashed upon this keyboard underneath my fingertips, and, ya know, toddlers. They always have those Lego blocks that need to be pried apart and My little Ponies that need their manes braided like YESTERDAY.

Gel Couture is a clear, glossy topcoat originally developed to be used with the Essie Couture Gel polishes, but I’ve recently figured out that it’s an outstanding topper for ALL polishes, not just the Essie Gels.

For starters, it’s so shiny that it always looks wet (even when dry), which I love.


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The texture’s also thick for a top coat, and I think that’s why it functions like the supreme armor against nicks and chips.

But don’t get it twisted. It’s far from goopy or challenging to paint with.

I’m not a fan of top coats that you’re continuously tempted to peel off whenever you get out of the shower. Gel Couture, thankfully, relieves me of that temptation!

One coat atop whatever I’m wearing (right now it’s the Smith & Cult base coat and two layers of Essie Angora Cardi, a.k.a. the best fall COLOR), and five minutes later I have a mani that looks just as fresh after five days as it did on day one.


Super great, and it’s relatively economical at $11.50 a bottle! You can find it at Ulta and charm supply stores… I’ve also seen it at Target.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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