Have You Stolen any charm secrets From Your significant Other?

Dear El Hub…please don’t use my fancy shampoo as your body wash.
I would completely say “no” to this if it weren’t for one thing, because El Hub is very low maintenance.



I’ve been trying to get the man to use moisturizer and/or sunscreen for about one billion years, and he still rebuffs my efforts.

Be that as it may, there is one beauty-related suggestion I’ve learned from him, and it’s this: in a pinch, you can completely use shampoo as a body wash. Also, if you’re extra desperate, you can use shampoo as a face wash as well.

I know this because when he and I first moved in together, I used to purchase these huge bottles of Bumble & Bumble shampoo and conditioner, and I remember going into the shower one day and noticing that it seemed like I was going through the shampoo faster than usual…so I asked him, “Are you using my shampoo? If you are, I completely don’t mind,” to which he said, “Yeah I am! That soap is really great! thank you. I use it for everything.”

Wait, wait wait… Soap? I was like, WHAT?! Please don’t use my expensive Bumble & Bumble shampoo as your body wash, man! So, yeah.

Funny thing is, I’ve gone there myself over the years. I’ve used this shampoo-as-a-body-wash trick a few times, both as a body soap and as a shave gel on my legs and armpits, LOL! and IT WORKS.

So, thank you, El Hub, for that nugget of knowledge. ??


How about you? have you stolen any charm secrets from your significant other?

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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