Hack a Trader Joe’s Southwest Salad, and turn It into the Easiest, Yummiest Taco Salad ever

Introducing the new Karen Especial Taco Ensalada! — now with much more homemade! Ish. Homemade-ish. ADVERTISEMENT Who doesn’t like the taste of a good homemade dish? I love homemade, but I don’t necessarily always love to make it. Sorry! It’s…

Lustrous Lips Are a Lipglass Away With the MAC laundry as well as dry Collection

The four new MAC laundry as well as dry collection Lipglasses, $16.50 each Boy howdy! These new MAC laundry as well as dry Lipglasses will make you tumble dry into some seriously high heat! Honestly…what does that even mean? I…

The new MAC Veluxe a Trois Collection Veluxe Pearlfusion shadows blend So quickly That You’ll grasp Your Pearls

using all three shadows from MAC Veluxe a Trois Veluxe Pearlfusion shadow in fantastic Three Well grasp mah pearls! Did I checked out that right? Was I just invited to a Veluxe a Trois? *fans self* Oh, my heavens! I’m…